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KSh900.00 KSh850.00
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts are cut from the chest of the bird, with the tenderloin removed. They’re quick-cooking, tender and juicy if prepared correctly. They are also a leaner choice than other cuts of chicken.
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KSh900.00 KSh800.00
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Chicken liver is inexpensive, a great source of nutrients, versatile, and easy to cook. Rich with iron, folate, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, the food packs a powerful punch of health benefits.
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KSh900.00 KSh800.00
Chicken legs and thighs are an excellent source of many essential nutrients. Iron and zinc, which are important for a healthy immune system, are present in much higher quantities in dark meat than in white meat.
Rated 0 out of 5
KSh850.00 KSh800.00
Wings have a higher ratio of skin to meat than almost any other cut of chicken, which is what makes them so appealing. In order to crisp the skin, you need to render out most of the fat that comes with it, otherwise you’ll get chewy wings instead of crunchy ones.
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Turkey meat, commonly referred to as just turkey, is the meat from turkeys, typically domesticated turkeys but also wild turkeys. Bigger than chicken with a better taste, best for families and occasions
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KSh800.00 KSh750.00
A capon is a special type of chicken created to make the meat more tender and less gamey. This bird is a rooster